Ulla Johnson
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Ulla Johnson
Both a Manhattan native and lifelong traveler, designer Ulla Johnson draws from a melange of global references. Batik prints, embroidery, and fringe details are among the cameos in the brand's trademark Ulla Johnson dresses, boho miniskirts, and fringe boots. This push-pull balance of influences instantly set the label apart when it launched in 2000, earning Johnson a well-deserved reputation for beautiful, artisan clothing and shoes.
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Ulla Johnson
Both a Manhattan native and lifelong traveler, designer Ulla Johnson draws from a melange of global references. Batik prints, embroidery, and fringe details are among the cameos in the brand's trademark Ulla Johnson dresses, boho miniskirts, and fringe boots. This push-pull balance of influences instantly set the label apart when it launched in 2000, earning Johnson a well-deserved reputation for beautiful, artisan clothing and shoes.