B-Low The Belt
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B-Low The Belt
Elegant, sophisticated, and timeless. Using the finest leathers, B-Low The Belt creates innovative, creative, and imaginative designs. Designers Carole Kotler and Ana Schoenberg launched B-Low The Belt in 2002, drawing inspiration from their love of '60s and '70s fashions to bring exciting accessories to fashion-forward women. And those women have taken notice: celebrity fans include Julia Roberts, Paris Hilton, and Heidi Klum, and Vogue, Elle, and In Style have sung the line's praises.
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B-Low The Belt
Elegant, sophisticated, and timeless. Using the finest leathers, B-Low The Belt creates innovative, creative, and imaginative designs. Designers Carole Kotler and Ana Schoenberg launched B-Low The Belt in 2002, drawing inspiration from their love of '60s and '70s fashions to bring exciting accessories to fashion-forward women. And those women have taken notice: celebrity fans include Julia Roberts, Paris Hilton, and Heidi Klum, and Vogue, Elle, and In Style have sung the line's praises.